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The Big Picture gives an excellent grounding in overall knowledge and understanding of all the books of the Bible and how they fit together to give us a wonderful picture of God’s plan for mankind.

It is packed with interesting facts about the Bible and yet is also deeply devotional. The student is given practical instruction on how to study the Bible for him-/herself and go on exploring its riches for successful Christian living. All is set out in the clearest and simplest way. It is ideal for following on from the Abundant Life course.

Abundant Light (the Big Picture) gives an excellent grounding in overall knowledge and understanding of all the books of the Bible and how they fit together to give us a wonderful picture of God’s plan for mankind. This course gives an overview of the Bible, its books, topics, and principal doctrines. It is packed with interesting facts about the Bible and yet it is also deeply devotional. The student is given practical instruction on how to study the Bible for him or herself and to go on exploring its riches for successful Christian living.

Time Frame The course consists of 10 classes (virtual), to be conducted fortnightly over a period of five (5)months. It will be done via Zoom with an opportunity for discussion and sharing on the application of spiritual truths in our Christian Living.

These TEE courses are also available in DIASPORA languages. TEEM will provide the resources and books for local churches in Malaysia to start these Foundation Courses:

  • Nepali
  • Myanmar
  • Urdu
  • Hindi & Tamil


Contact TEEM (DIASPORA Ministry) for further information.

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  • Remarks-(Please indicate your interest in Diaspora Ministry)