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Life of Paul and Letters

Life of Paul and Letters

TEE Courses are designed to make it possible for all walks of life to enroll instead of a few. It does not require very high educational
qualifications and those with a little educational background are able to excel in this program.
The TEE courses utilize materials developed by UK-based SEAN International, an inter-denominational body dedicated to writing Bible courses for TEE over 40 years. TEE Courses are used in over 100 countries and more than 80 languages.



Book 1

The life of the apostle Paul in detailed from childhood to the end of his first missionary journey. A profound study of the Letter to the Galatians encompassing: justification by faith; law and grace; redemption; heirs and sons; union; pastoral care; the apostleship of Paul; and the fruit of the Spirit and its pastoral application.


Refer: Paul’s Life and Letters: Book 1 — SEAN International


Book 2

Covers the events of the second missionary journey and provides Bible studies on the main themes of 1 and 2 Thessalonians and Philippians.


Refer: Paul’s Life and Letters: Book 2 — SEAN International



Book 3

Focuses on Paul’s third missionary journey, his imprisonment, and death and contains Bible studies on selected topics in his letters to the Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, Corinthians, and Romans. Covers the following topics: the presence and power of the Holy Spirit; pastoral problems and solutions; missionary strategies; union with and in Christ; joy in the face of problems; and fidelity to the end.

Refer: Paul’s Life and Letters: Book 3 — SEAN International

These TEE courses are also available in DIASPORA languages. TEEM will provide the resources and books for local churches in Malaysia to start these Foundation Courses:

  • Nepali
  • Myanmar
  • Urdu
  • Hindi & Tamil


Contact TEEM (DIASPORA Ministry) for further information.

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  • Remarks-(Please indicate your interest in Diaspora Ministry)