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Introduction to TEE Malaysia

Malaysia: ONE Nation with many languages and is considered a multi-ethnic and multi-religious community. As such, with the presence of the many ethnic groups, it was natural for TEE to develop in several languages at the same time. 
Our theme – Partnering churches, equipping disciples to be leaders.
Our Story began as far back as 2014, several people united their efforts to get TEE going in different urban congregations and  Churches in the Klang Valley.  It was found that the TEE courses proved acceptable in a range of denominations and churches. Efforts and plans were made to register a National TEE Body (TEEM) to run the TEE ministry as we caught the Vision and the huge benefits of TEE Courses in discipleship making to obey the Great Commission.
We believe that TEE is a relevant and practical tool for the discipleship and training of Christian leaders regardless of the denomination’s background and theological affiliations. 
This TEE methodology is included in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20; NIV), 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
The word “obey” in this passage does not mean “to see” or “to look.” Rather, it means “to do” or “to implement”  or “to apply” which is the practical application of partnering with churches to make disciples.
Those who study a TEE course do not need to be uprooted from community, family, or work situations. They can study where they are, in the time they have available, and apply what they learn to their everyday lives straight away.
It is a local church-based discipleship training program. Learning takes place from the course book, and from other members of a local learning group, facilitated by a trained local tutor using the three components in the TEE model: home study; regular group meetings, and practical application.
One of the key organizations in providing TEE courses has been SEAN (Study by Extension for All Nations. The most widely-used SEAN discipleship-level courses are ‘Abundant Life’ and ‘Abundant Light’. ‘Abundant Life’ is now available in over 70 languages, and has been studied by hundreds of thousands around the world!